Monday, March 9, 2009

Circle training?

I know that many folks, when it comes time to train there new stock dog, will seek out a reputable trainer. They then will take their dog to the trainer and leave it for a time. The time of course will be dependent on the readiness of the dog and other factors. So many of these trainers will have a training pen, usually 60ft in diameter. Usually, sheep are brought in and the training begins. Force the dog to go around the sheep. Once the dog start then the trainer will attempt to stop the dog. You get the idea.

Well my thoughts on this are: You get a dog that when it is in doubt will be a very good circling dog. This is particularly so when the dog has low self esteem. 2 thoughts on this. 1. Learn how to train your dog yourself. 2. Don't use a round pen.


First off, training your dog your self not only establishes the pack leader roll, but builds a bond that is very strong. You get a dog that wants to work with you and also builds on the understanding of silent communications between handler and dog. This is how things work in nature, like real life.

Secondly, using a square pen or open field is also reality. More on this later

This is just the beginning. There is so much more that this may take awhile.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

When is it time to quit?

I attended a cow dog trial the other day with my 11 year old Heading dog. You could tell that the desire was there but the power was not. After the trial he was exhausted. He slept for a long time and any time he moved he moaned and groaned. He was hurting. He tried but the results were not there. It is time for him to retire. Now what?

My thinking is that I will use him to help me train my new pup. Contrary to what some dog experts say!!!!!!!, dogs learn from each other. If you have a well trained dog, it is a good way to start your pup. I usually let the pup out with an experience dog and after a few moments of disaster, the experienced dog will get things under control and the pup begins to watch .... it's magic. It sure speeds up the initial basic training.

I would be interested in any comments on this topic